Monday, September 8, 2008

Dior? Again? Why?

Why does this gorgeous girls are always using Dior handbag on every single event they go?
They are already beutiful women and just their presence is enough to make the event a sucess, but the dior acessorie makes the look so extravagant that in every event you can spy one famous using it.
A movie premiere, a gala event, a beneficent event…Dont matter the cause Dior is always there, in some beauty shoulder or arm.
The one Charlize Theron is using is called Dior Detective Velvet Wrist Clutch and fit her body perfectly,she is always untouchable and the Handbag Dior made is an extra to her look, and what an extra…
Girls all around the world want this kind of look, but not every one can spend the amount of money this handbag ask for. So be my guest to searc for replica handbags or a little bit more direct and search for Dior replica handbag on net and be the happy owner of a dior.
I doubt your friends will notice if is a replica or not and id they notice they will buy one for them to…I bet…

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